light. Immediately I froze. I couldn't think of what to do. Of all things, I put one hand to the side of my face and began walking on. This must certainly have been a no-no because the police began tailing me. After about a block they stopped and one got out and began ap- proaching me. I thought, "Oh, hell. I've had it now." He was very polite when he said, "Ma'am, is there anything wrong, do you feel sick?" I said, in a very shakey voice, “No, sir, I'm not a ma'am." The next couple of minutes seemed like ages but this soon came to a screeching halt when he said, "If you're not a woman, would you please come with me to the station?" Naturally, I obliged.
Once inside the station house all pertinent information was ex- changed and my first sergeant at the base was notified. While wait- ing for him I talked to the officer about what would happen to me. They didn't know what the service would do but they said all that the police could do was charge me with disturbing the peace. It didn't take long to ascertain the military point of view toward trans- vestites within their number. In less than two weeks I was on my way back to the midwest with full pay and an honorable discharge.
For the next 12 years I tried to suppress my TV desires and suc- ceeded to a degree so much so that my wife thought I had "gotten over" the feeling. I went to a trade school and have been with a small business almost 10 years. I might not be writing this account now save the fact that I ran across a magazine dealing with female im- personation. After purchasing said magazine I began realizing that there is evidently quite a bit of this going on. Rapidly I acquired more articles, including several of your books, Virginia. Again I confronted my wife with my TVism. She was hesitant and somewhat frightened at first but now has gained considerable insight into the phenomenon. Her success and acceptance must largely be credited to your book, The Transvestite and His Wife.
I would rate her somewhere between the A and B wife. She enjoys seeing me dressed and made-up as a woman and says that her sex life has been greatly enriched due to my dressing. I finally got bold enough to tell my son that I was a TV and even showed him pictures of myself (femme self, that is). He said, "You sure don't look like your- self." That was about all the comment he had to make. He could care less if I want to dress like a girl. Needless to say I was greatly re- lieved that when the cat was out of the bag nobody cared which way he ran. Also, I have confided in a few close friends and either they are disinterested or genuinely enthused. One girl in particular, my